We're a team from Poltergeist Theatre, a theatre company that aims to push boundaries of structure and form, break rules and engage with big ideas, but keep it accessible, hilarious and human.
Environmental sustainability has been on our minds for a while now, and having been to the Fringe in 2016 with our show xx, and in 2017 for research by our Sustainability Manager, we think we can all do more to make the Edinburgh Fringe Festival cleaner and greener.
There is lots of fantastic work already being done around sustainability during the festival season, whether it's the events put on at Fringe Central, the anti-litter campaigns by the Edinburgh Council, Creative Carbon Scotland's Green Arts initiative or their collaboration with the Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts.
We want to join the action by encouraging fellow production companies, as well as punters and planners, to make a few changes that can reduce waste at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018, with the view to tackle more issues in the future.
While running this campaign, we will also be performing a show, Lights Over Tesco Car Park, at the Jack Dome (Pleasance Dome, Venue 23) at 10.30am, 1st–27th August (except 15th/22nd).
Basically: Robert reported lights over the Tesco car park. Then he told us an alien was coming to stay in his spare room. With the help of some historical abduction stories, a latex alien mask and a bucket of flying saucers, we're working out whether to believe him. Maybe this is a good place to believe him? A docu-comedy for the post-truth age.
Samuel French New Play Award winner 2018.
'Makes me want to see it again and again' ***** (EdFringeReview.com).
"Expertly inventive... wonderful" (Sunday Times)
Listed this week as one of the Evening Standard's picks of the Edinburgh Fringe