We want to rally performers, punters and planners of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival around issues of environmental sustainability. As 2018 is the first year of this campaign, we are focussing on three types of waste that are critical at the Fringe: plastic, paper and material. We also want to encourage fellow companies to engage with the efforts, infrastructure and events already in place to reduce environmental impact at the Fringe.
We need your help! Before and during the Fringe, we will be releasing more information about each challenge.
Please share the challenges, follow the campaign on social media, and challenge other participants of the Fringe to do the same.
We will share your progress on our Twitter, Facebook or Instagram pages.

As of mid-July 2018, over 50 companies and individuals on Twitter had pledged to the first challenge, to assemble a ‘#SustainableFringe kit’ of reusable items to replace single-use plastics.
We've suggested reusable coffee cups for the early mornings; lunch boxes, travel cutlery and reusable water bottles for packed lunches and take-aways; and stainless-steel pint glasses for the late nights.

Are you coming to the Fringe? If so, we'd love to see your recycling stations in your Fringe accommodation.
It's pretty easy! If your accommodation doesn't have recycling bins, get a cardboard box, some bin liners from a super market (we've sound some compostable ones in Tesco) or anything else bin-shaped you can find. Take them out to the separate communal street bins when they are full.
The City of Edinburgh Council has some great documents about recycling in Edinburgh, which show you what you can put in each bin. Get a piece of paper and a pen, and let your flatmates know what goes where.
Once you've done that, take a picture, tweet it tagging @SustFringe and any other theatre-makers or Fringe-goers you want to see commit to the challenge!